Destiny Emblem Collector v5.0.25.15
I've updated the way that DEC links are displayed on social media sites and Discord to make links more useful at a glance; see how it looks below. Thank you to the person that suggested this improvement!
I've updated the way that DEC links are displayed on social media sites and Discord to make links more useful at a glance; see how it looks below. Thank you to the person that suggested this improvement!
Updated the Unreleased emblems Filter on the site to include the new emblems added in this episode while updating any emblems that weren't supposed to be in that filter. Unreleased emblems can be found here: And don't forget there are 37
Darkest Day has returned! For this Black Friday sale taking place from 2024-11-26 to 2024-12-03, you can get a copy of this emblem for any qualifying purchase! It's been about seven years since this emblem has shown up (from a Black Friday sale in 2017), so make sure
First up is the new Canis Lupus emblem, this Episode's Iron Banner emblem. You can get this after reaching Rank 16 in the first reward track for Iron Banner during Episode Revenant Canis Lupus: I've marked Control as no longer
Four new emblems today and one older one updated! Let's get into the list: Confectionary Commander: Unknown how to obtain at this time, but the emblem is listed as coming from The Dawning. Confectionary Commander: Epicurean Extraordinaire: Unknown how to obtain at
Reminder that this emblem will be available as a Twitch Drop during the livestream tomorrow. The stream starts at 10AM PT At
We Begin In the Stars is finally showing up! Obtain this via a Twitch Drop on November 12th @10AM PT. Full details in the screenshot below.
Destiny Emblem Collector v5.0.25.09 is live! I've added the ten emblems that can currently be found in Destiny Rising to DEC! Since there's no API, I have a few notes about these emblems: First up, you can find the Rising section by clicking
Watch this Bungie Foundation stream for 90 minutes to get the Nature of Truth emblem as a Twitch Drop. Nature of Truth: Bungie Foundation stream:
Today's the final day to donate for the Hurricane Relief fundraiser! We've raised over $18,500 so far! Let's see how high we can get that total before the end 💙 Donate here:
Apologies for the double message today, but I've updated the DEC page for Spectral Carapace; if you complete the Twilight Triumph (the three mystery objectives) as part of FOTL you'll get the memento and this emblem. Spectral Carapace:
Starting off with Headless Fun, which you get by completing the "Bookworm - I" Event Challenge Headless Fun: The next one is Ghosts in Dark, you get this one by giving a gift sub to a Destiny 2 streamer (Prime subs have