Destiny Emblem Collector v4.45.24.10 - 2024.06.27

On the Bungie Foundation stream from today, they announced two new emblems that I've updated on DEC:

  • Graphite Daydreams: The exact unlock requirements are unknown yet, more details to come. It appears that it's a donation reward, but we'll know more once the Bungie Foundation posts a message.
  • Gratiam Flare: Appears to be a fundraiser (not donation) reward from the upcoming 2024 Bungie Day fundraiser. I've seen $500 raised as the potential total, but we'll know the exact details in the future.
  • Both of those emblems have been added to the Upcoming Emblems section on the front page.
  • Added a message box to the front page of DEC that links to this page/newsletter...thing.
  • I've updated DEC's footer to link to this page (the one you're reading right now!) instead of the previous changelog.