Destiny Emblem Collector v4.46.24.16 - 2024.07.09

Destiny Emblem Collector v4.46.24.16 - 2024.07.09

The Bungie Day fundraiser has started! Donate to DEC here:

By donating at least $21, you can get the new Graphite Daydreams emblem!

The emblem vault is open again this year, too. Each emblem is a $7 donation, then you can choose with emblem you want from the list. You can see the entire list on DEC with this not at all weird search term.

Thank you all for your donations in the past! I'm always amazed at how generous this community is; I'm happy we can play such a big part in raising so much for the Bungie Foundation! <3

For my fellow fundraisers, Gratiam Flare is available starting today for those that raise (not donate) at least $500 during the Bungie Day 2024 week.

Lastly, Guardian Glam is also available during this week (it's no longer available on July 16th at 10AM Pacific) when purchasing anything on the Bungie Store.