Destiny Emblem Collector v5.0.25.15
I've updated the way that DEC links are displayed on social media sites and Discord to make links more useful at a glance; see how it looks below. Thank you to the person that suggested this improvement!

I've updated the way that DEC links are displayed on social media sites and Discord to make links more useful at a glance; see how it looks below. Thank you to the person that suggested this improvement!
Destiny Emblem Collector v5.1.26.06 is live! There's an update to how Trials emblems work with today's Trials revamp, so I've updated the following Trials emblems to reflect that. First up is Lighthouse-Keeper, awarded via the new Trials Points system: https://destinyemblemcollector.
The Bungie Foundation on Twitter just posted that you can make a donation $10 to the Southern Poverty Law Center by February 28 and receive the Be Heard emblem. Get your emblem now at:
It’s the final day of the Bungie Foundation Game2Give fundraiser! So far you’ve all donated just over $39,000! Let’s finish out this fundraiser strong for the Little Lights! 💪 Donate here:
The dungeon just launched, so we now know what the three emblems are: Contest Mode clear emblem is Last Erasure Solo Flawless emblem is Pyramid's Pilot Regular clear emblem is Unsounded Depths Good luck in the dungeon, Guardians!